Dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğunda risk faktörlerinin elektrofizyolojik ve klinik bulgular üzerine etkisi

Dikkat eksikligi ve hiperaktivite bozuklugu (DEHB), cocukluk caginin en sik gorulen gelisimsel bir bozukluklarindan birisidir. Biyo-psiko-sosyal nedenlerin birlikte rol aldigi dusunulmekle birlikte etiyolojisi net olarak bilinmemektedir.Bu retrospektif calismada; cocukluk doneminde DEHB tanisi konulmus hastalarda, risk faktorlerinin belirlenmesi, maruz kaldiklari risk faktorleri ile klinik belirtiler arasindaki iliskinin ve bu risk faktorlerinin elektrofizyolojik bulgular uzerine olan etkilerinin incelenmesi amaclandi.Bu calismada Ocak 2007- Mayis 2012 tarihleri arasinda Ankara Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Cocuk Norolojisi Bilim Dali ve Cocuk Ruh Sagligi ve Hastaliklari Anabilim Dali polikliniginde dikkat eksikligi ve hiperaktivite bozuklugu tanisi ile takip edilen ve yaslari 6-15 yas arasinda degisen 310 hastanin kayitlari geriye yonelik olarak incelenmistir. Kayitlari incelenen 310 cocuktan, verileri tam olarak elde edilen ve calisma kriterlerine uyan 140 cocuk calismaya alinmistir. <80 IQ duzeyi, kronik hastaligi, yaygin gelisimsel bozuklugu, psikotik bozuklugu ve sendromik hastaligi olan cocuklar calismadan dislanmistir.Calismaya alinan olgularin yas ortalamasi 9.25±2.02, 119'u (%85) erkek, 21'i (%13.6) kiz'di. Epileptiform anormallikler hastalarin 32'sinde (%22.9) gozlenirken, desarjlar en sik sentrotemporal, parietooksipital ve frontal lokalizasyondaydi. Epileptik nobet oykusu hastalarin 20'sinde (14.3%) vardi. DEHB alt tipi olarak DEHB-DE en sik gorulen tipi olusturuyordu.Calismamizda epilepsi gorulme sikligi uzerinde asfiksi oykusunun, EEG bozuklugu gorulme sikligi uzerinde de; dogum haftasi ve asfiksi oykusunun etkili oldugu bulunduAbstractAttention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most commonly seen developmental disorders in childhood. It?s etiology however is not well known even though bio-psycho-social reasons have been thought to play a big role.In this retrospective study, the risk factors of ADHD are identified in patients diagnosed with ADHD in childhood; and the aim of the study was to analyse the relationship between clinical symtomps and risk factors to which they were exposed to and their effects on the electrophysiological findings.In this study, the records of 310 patients between 6-15 years of age diagnosed as ADHD who were followed up between January 2007 to May 2012 at Ankara Universty Medical School Pediatric Neurology and Psychiatry departments were studied retrospectively. Out of 310 patients only 140 met the study criteria and were included in the study. The exclusion criteria were as follows; IQ levels below 80, patients with chronic diseases, patients with pervasive developmental disorders or psychotic disorders and sendromic patients.The mean age of the subjects was 9.25±2.02, 119 (%85) were boys, and 21 (%13.6) girls. Epileptiform abnormalities in EEG were found in 32 (22.9%) patients, discharges were mostly in the centrotemporal, parietooccipital, and frontal area. A previous history of epileptic seizures was reported in 20 (14.3%) patients. ADHD- inattentive type was the most common subtype of ADHD.In our study, asphyxia was found to be effective on the incidence of epilepsy, and gestational age, asphyxia were found to be effective on the incidence of epileptiform activity.
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