Genetic control of dormancy in a Triumph/Morex cross in barley

Seed dormancy in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is one of the most important parameters affecting malting. Seed dormancy is quantitatively inherited and variously influenced by the environment. The objectives of the present study were to determine the genome location and effects of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) involved in the expression of seed dormancy in a barley cross between two varieties derived from different germplasm pools. Using a doubled-haploid population of 107 lines of the cross between the malting types Triumph (two-row, dormant) and Morex (six-row, non-dormant), seed dormancy phenotypic data sets from five environments and a 147-marker linkage map were developed in order to perform QTL analyses with simple interval mapping and simplified composite interval mapping procedures. Two different types of variables were considered for seed dormancy characterization: (1) level of dormancy induced during seed development, which was indirectly measured as germination percentage at 3 days and 7 days, GP3 and GP7 respectively; (2) rate of dormancy release in the course of a period after seed harvest (after-ripening). Different mechanisms of genetic control were detected for these two types of dormancy-related traits. A major and consistent dormancy QTL near the centromere on chromosome 7(5H) was associated with the establishment of dormancy during seed development and accounted for 52% and 33% of the variability for GP3 and GP7, respectively. Two other QTLs located in the vicinity of the vrs1 locus on chromosome 2(2H) and near the long arm telomere on chromosome 7(5H) explained 9% and 19% of variation, respectively, for the rate of dormancy release during after-ripening. Likewise, seed dormancy was assessed in an F2 population derived from the cross between two dormant types of distinct germplasm groups, Triumph (European, two-row, malt) and Steptoe (North American, six-row, feed), which showed similar but not identical genetic control for dormancy. Interestingly, there is remarkable dormancy QTL conservation in both regions on chromosome 7(5H) identified in this study and among other barley mapping populations. These widely conserved QTLs show potential as targets for selection of a moderate level of seed dormancy in breeding programs.
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