Эндоваскулярная реканализация хронической окклюзии инфраренального отдела аорты у пациента с двухсосудистым коронарным поражением

A case report on endovascular treatment of occlusion of the infrarenal aorta and iliac arteries in a patient with hemodynamically significant two-vessel coronary artery disease is presented. After a thorough examination and assessment of surgical risks, a multidisciplinary team meeting chose a staged revascularization strategy: stage 1 — percutaneous coronary intervention in the left anterior descending artery and right coronary artery; stage 2 — endovascular recanalization of aorto-iliac segment occlusion using the kissing stents technique. There were no perioperative complications and the patient was discharged on the 4th day after surgery in a satisfactory condition. The choice in favor of these types of reconstruction and staged revascularization strategy was substantiated. A conclusion was made about the effectiveness and safety of implemented measures.
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