Áreas prioritárias à preservação e à recuperação de comunidades florestais naturais: estudo de caso no entorno das represas da Bacia Hidrográfica do Alto Vale do Paraíba, São Paulo (Priority Areas to Natural Forest Communities Preservation and ...)

Com o objetivo de identificar e caracterizar areas prioritarias a preservacao e a recuperacao de formacoes florestais naturais no entorno das represas de Paraibuna, Paraitinga e Santa Branca, Estado de Sao Paulo, a partir da definicao de Areas de Protecao Permanente (APPs), foi estabelecida uma faixa marginal de 100m e analisada a distribuicao da cobertura vegetal e uso do solo atuais. Houve a constatacao de um padrao de uso do solo e cobertura vegetal em ambas as represas (Santa Branca e Paraibuna-Paraitinga), caracterizado pela predominância da classe pasto/agricultura (61%), seguido de mata/capoeira (25%), e eucalipto, (10%). O percentual remanescente ficou representado pelas classes unidade urbana, solo exposto e agua. Sendo a classe mata/capoeira a unica a ser prioritaria a preservacao, esta representa quase que ¼ da area total de APP. A area prioritaria a recuperacao (pasto/agricultura, eucalipto e solo exposto) prevalece, ao passo que as nao enquadradas (agua e unidade urbana) possuem uma participacao irrisoria. Por gerar recursos economicos importantes aos municipios, um plano de manejo dessa area se faz necessario. A manutencao do panorama atual no entorno das represas pode ter influencia negativa direta na qualidade de agua, prejudicando assim o abastecimento de agua aos municipios servidos por esta. Palavras-chave: Geotecnologias, Area de Protecao Permanente, Codigo Florestal Brasileiro. Priority Areas to Natural Forest Communities Preservation and Recovery: Case Study in Adjacencies of Basin River Dams from Alto Vale do Paraiba, Sao Paulo, Brazil ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to identify priority areas to the preservation and the recovery of natural forest formations around the dams of Paraibuna, Paraitinga and Santa Branca, Sao Paulo State. From the definition of Permanent Protection Areas (APP), it was established a buffer of 100m and it was analyzed the vegetal covering distribution and also the current use of the ground. It was verified a pattern of land use and vegetation cover in both reservoirs (Santa Branca and Paraibuna-Paraitinga), characterized by the predominance of class pasture/agriculture (61%), followed of forest/“capoeira” (25%), and eucalyptus, (10%). The remaining percentage was represented by the classes unit urban, exposed soil and water. As the class forest/“capoeira” is the only priority to preservation, this represents almost ¼ of the total area of APP. The priority area for rehabilitation (pasture/agriculture, eucalyptus and exposed soil) prevails, while those not covered (water and urban unit) have a ridiculous stake. Since this area generates significantly economic resources to municipalities, a management plan for it is necessary. The permanence of the current landscape around the dams may have direct negative impact on water quality and adversely affect the water supply to municipalities served by it. Keywords: Geotechnologies, Permanent Protection Areas, Brazilian Forest Code.
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