Medical support on human resources and clinical laboratory in Myanmar

I have been involved in medical cooperation programs between Myanmar and Japan for over 10 years. The purpose of the first visit to Myanmar was the investigation of hepatitis C spreading among thalassemia patients. I learned that the medical system was underdeveloped in this country, and have initiated several cooperation programs together with Professor Shigeru Okada, such as the "Protection against hepatitis C in Myanmar", "Scientist exchange between the Ministry of Health, Myanmar and Okayama University", and "Various activities sponsored by a Non-Profit Organization". As for clinical laboratories, the laboratory system itself is pre-constructed and the benefit of a clinical laboratory in modern medicine is not given to patients in Myanmar. The donation of drugs and reagents for laboratory tests is helpful, but it will be more helpful to assist the future leaders to learn modern medicine and develop their own various systems to support modern medicine. Our activity in the cooperation program is described.
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