Грамматика порядков словоизменительных аффиксов именных частей речи в калмыцком языке (на примере словоформы существительного)

The article describes the grammar of order of inflectional affixes of nominal parts of speech in the Kalmyk language on the example of the noun word forms. Under the model of inflectional affixes we understand an abstract scheme under which a real inflectional chain with respect to the laws of morpho-phonological compatibility and semantic rules is formed. The research is based on the data of the National Corpus of the Kalmyk language (kalmcorpora.ru), the volume of which is nearly 9 million tokens which allows to obtain objective information on modeling inflectional chain. The importance of the research lies in the necessity of the classification and the systematic descriptive analysis of associative properties of morphemic units (in this case stems and affixes, affixes and affixes) in the synthesis of lexical units (in the broadest sense of the word forms) of the Kalmyk language. During the analysis of the material of the National Corpus of the Kalmyk language we identified 33 models of inflectional affixes within the nominal parts of speech of the Kalmyk language. A number of these models is dialectal in nature, as, for example, the plural form is based on two plural affixes: Base + Pl + Pl; Base + Pl + Pl + Case; Base + Pl + Pl + Per; Base + Pl + Pl + Pos; Base + Pl + Pl + Case + Pos; Base + Pl + Pl + Refl. The list of models includes both well-known and frequent schemes, as well as those which haven’t been described in the scientific literature (for instance, a model Base + (Inter) + Pl + Equ; Base + (Inter) + Pl + Gen | Ass + Case; Base + (Inter) + Pl + Gen | Ass + Case + Pos; etc.).
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