Métodos de avaliação da ciclagem de nutrientes no bioma Cerrado: uma revisão sistemática

In forest systems, the natural form of nutrient supply is through the litter, which comprises all plant material deposited in the soil. Therefore, the present work aimed to perform a systematic review on the different methodologies used in the litter and nutrient cycling topics in the diverse phytophysiognomies of the Cerrado biome. All publications were evaluated, regardless of the period of publication, and cataloged those that fit the theme: quantification of the production and decomposition of litter in the Cerrado biome, through searches in the Periodicos CAPES gate. Twentysix (26) articles were selected with studies in the following forest formations: Cerrado restricted sense; Cerradao; Gallery Woods; Cerrado-Amazonian transition forests and homogeneous plantations. About the methodologies, the most common collectors in the production works were those with square format (0.25 m²) and the number of collectors varied widely between works (from 10 to 60 collectors). The leaves contributed around 70% or more of the total litter. The decomposition showed great variation in the mass conditioned in the litter bags and also in times of collection. Except one study, the evaluated manuscripts did not present studies on the decomposition of other litter components, other than the leaves, thus evidencing the need for studies in this topic. The studies presented a total time of one-year evaluation in almost all of them, which shows the need for long-term monitoring, since short-term studies do not allow the evaluation of the inter-annual changes effects. The methodologies used in the evaluated works presented a high degree of variation, evidencing the need for standardization that allows the comparison between them. Finally, it could be observed that some phytophysiognomies do not have any publications on the subjects evaluated, which reinforces the need to study the dynamics of the nutrient cycling in these sites.
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