Simultaneous Estimation of Ascorbic Acid and Calcium Pantothenate in Multivitamin and Multimineral Tablets by Reverse-Phase HPLC

The present study describes A RP-HPLC method for simultaneous estimation of Ascorbic acid (AA) & Calcium pantothenate (CP) in a pharmaceutical Multivitamin & Multimineral unit dosage form. The separation was achieved on a reverse phase C18 column (5μm; 250x4.6 mm i.d.) with an isocratic mobile phase elution order at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. The mobile phase was buffer [0.1 %v/v solution of triethylamine in milli-Q water with pH 3.00 ± 0.05 (adjusted with ortho-phosphoric acid)] and methanol in the ratio of 80:20. Detection was performed with UV detector at 210nm. The method was validated with respect to linearity, precision, accuracy, and specificity according to ICH guidelines. The responses were linear in concentration range of 20-60 μg/mL for AA and 2.5-7.5 μg/mL for CP. The values of slope and correlation coefficient were found to be 15202 & 1.000 for AA; and 7583 & 1.000 for CP respectively. The %RSD value for repeatability and intermediate precision studies were 2.9 & 0.8 for AA; and 3.3 & 2.8 for CP respectively. The %recovery of the vitamins ranged between 98.0 to 99.7 for AA and 98.1 to 98.7 for CP.
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