Study of A Novel Room Temperature Grown Semiconducting Nanocluster Carbon Thin Films For Use In Nano, Micro, Macro And Flexible Electronics

Nanocarbons in its various forms like carbon nanotubes, fullerene and grapheme have become attractive material for a wide range application. The uniqueness of the material is its ability to bond in different ways including sp3, sp2 and sp1 and also exist in mixed phase mode, thus leading to many interesting materials. International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) envisages that nanocarbons in its various forms, along with new metal oxides, organic semiconductors and other emerging nano materials could be the key materials, for the future. Further ITRS projects that the semiconductor and electronics systems industry is expected to be over $5 trillion by 2030. The growth is based on the More Than More (MTM) paradigm, which looks beyond silicon
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