Influence of Terahertz Frequency on the Elastic Constants in 2D Systems

We investigate the influence of terahertz frequency on the elastic constants in extremely degenerate (ED) 2D systems taking quantized films (QFs) and accumulation layers (ALs) of nonlinear optical, tetragonal, ternary, quaternary, III–V, II–VI, IV–VI and strained compounds, respectively. It has been found taking ED QFs and ALs of specific materials of the important 2D electronic compounds as examples that the elastic constants (C1 and C2) change with nano-size of the said QFs and the two-dimensional carrier statistics per unit area in different oscillatory ways. The influence of electric field for both the limits in inversion layers of non-parabolic materials has also been studied. Besides, C1 and C2 are in nice agreement with our suggestive relationships for determining them experimentally.
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