Detection of ureteral calculi in patients with suspected renal colic: value of reformatted noncontrast helical CT.

The purpose of this study was to determine the value of reformatted noncontrast helical CT in patients with suspected renal colic. We hoped to determine whether this technique might create images acceptable to both radiologists and clinicians and replace our current protocol of sonography and abdominal plain film.Thirty-four consecutive patients with signs and symptoms of renal colic were imaged with both noncontrast helical CT and a combination of plain film of the abdomen and renal sonography. Reformatting of the helical CT data was performed on a workstation to create a variety of reformatted displays. The correlative studies were interpreted by separate blinded observers. Clinical data, including the presence of hematuria and the documentation of stone passage or removal, were recorded.Findings on 18 CT examinations were interpreted as positive for the presence of ureteral calculi; 16 of these cases were determined to be true positives on the basis of later-documented passage of a calculus. Thirteen o...
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