The effectiveness of the stereomicroscopic evaluation of embryo quality in vitrified-warmed porcine blastocysts: an ultrastructural and cell death study.

Abstract The objective of this study was to analyze the validity of the stereomicroscopic evaluation of vitrified–warmed (V–W) porcine blastocysts. Unhatched blastocysts were obtained from Large-white gilts ( n  = 10). Blastocysts ( n  = 156) were vitrified using the Open Pulled Straw technology. After warming, V–W blastocysts were cultured for 24 h (V24). Then, their developmental progression was morphologically assessed by stereomicroscopy and classified as: V24 viable re-expanded blastocysts; V24 viable hatched blastocysts or V24 degenerated. Blastocysts which re-expanded or hatched after warming were considered viable. Some fresh blastocysts were not vitrified and were evaluated after 24 h in culture (F24). By stereomicroscopic analysis all the fresh blastocysts were considered viable. Some F24, V24 re-expanded viable, V24 hatched viable and V24 degenerated blastocysts were processed for transmission electron microscopy ( n  = 13, 19, 9 and 9, respectively) or assessed by TUNEL for cell-death evaluation ( n  = 16, 21, 11 and 21, respectively). All V24 hatched blastocysts showed similar ultrastructure to fresh blastocysts. However, some V24 re-expanded blastocysts considered viable (6/19) revealed ultrastructural alterations. Degenerated V24 blastocysts showed ultrastructural disintegration. Hatched V24 blastocysts did not differ ( p  > 0.05) from F24 hatched blastocysts with regard to the ratio of dead cells (2.8 ± 0.5% versus 1.9 ± 0.3%, respectively). However, V24 expanded blastocysts had higher ( p in vitro culture appears to coincide with good ultrastructure and low cell-death index, suggesting that the hatching rate assessed by stereomicroscopy is more appropriate than embryo re-expansion for an evaluation of V–W blastocyst quality.
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