[Bifurcational diverticulum ("aneurisms") of brain arterial junctions].

: The results of clinico-morfological investigation of 220 arteries of the brain base from dead patients with aneurisms are in the article. The new facts and terms such as bifurcational hemodynamic aneurisms, segmental arterial ring of the brain and aneurysmal disease of the brain have been introduced. We have showed that aneurisms forms in the area of bifurcation, but not in linear segments of vessels. A junction of arteries in the bifurcation of vessels, formed by connective tissue, units muscle segments and takes place in development of aneurisms. The term of "aneurism" as a saccular evagination of all layers of arterial wall was prejudiced. A term as "diverticulum" could be use for denomination of evagination. Two types of aneurysmal disease of the brain clinical course have been separated out. The fist one is dysembryoplastic type with connective tissue deficiency and the second one--involutional hypertensive type at patients with long-term arterial hypertension.
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