Experimental simulation of possible radiation-corrosive processes in container with spent nuclear fuel after groundwater ingress

Radiation corrosion in deaerated water/carbon steel systems has been studied. Kinetics of releasing corrosion products into the water and their sorption on the surface of steel tablets is affected by various factors (redox potential, absorbed dose, temperature, irradiation duration). Concentration of corrosion products in the solution was evaluated using various chemical methods. Total concentration of Fe2+/Fe3+ ions in liquid phase was determined by UV/VIS spectrometry. Solid phase was analysed using X-ray diffraction method. Corrosion processes were studied in deaerated distilled water and synthetic granitic water. Corrosion cells consisted of glass ampoules with inserted steel tablets, completely filled with deoxygenated water. Corrosion cells were carefully enclosed so that air diffusion into system during experiment was kept at minimum. 60Co gamma sources with various dose rates were used for irradiation. The obtained results indicated that radiation noticeably contributed to the formation of corrosion products. Kinetics of radiation corrosion was strongly dependent on the parameters under study. The obtained experimental data should be taken into consideration when predicting effects of corrosion on containers with spent nuclear fuel using mathematical models.
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