Photonic temporal-mode multiplexing by quantum frequency conversion in a dichroic-finesse cavity

Photonic temporal modes (TMs) form a field-orthogonal basis set representing a continuous-variable degree of freedom that is in principle infinite dimensional, and create a promising resource for quantum information science and technology. The ideal quantum pulse gate (QPG) is a device that multiplexes and demultiplexes temporally orthogonal optical pulses that have the same carrier frequency, spatial mode, and polarization. The QPG is the chief enabling technology for usage of orthogonal temporal modes as a basis for high-dimensional quantum information storage and processing. The greatest hurdle for QPG implementation using nonlinear-optical, parametric processes with time-varying pump or control fields is the limitation on achievable temporal mode selectivity, defined as perfect TM discrimination combined with unity efficiency. We propose the use of pulsed nonlinear frequency conversion in an optical cavity having greatly different finesses for different frequencies to implement a nearly perfectly TM-selective QPG in a low-loss integrated-optics platform.
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