Acute pancreatitis in HIV/AIDS patients:an issue of concern

Pancreatitis is a well-described complication of human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)itself and its comhinalion antiretroviral therapy.Historically,this has been predominantly associated with the usage of nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors such as didanosine and stavndine.but only rarely with the usage of protease inhibitors via the induction of hypertriglyceridemia.Pancreatitis rales in HIV/AIDS population may have been exceedingly high because of the comorbid conditions prevalent in HIV/AIDS patients(e.g.ethanol use and biliary disease),and the use of noncombinalion antiretroviral therapy medications such as pentamidine,corticosteroids,ketocouazole.sulphonamides,metronidazole,isoniazid and opportunistic infections(e.g.cytomegalovirus,crvptosporidiosis.mycobacterial disease).In resource limited settings,where didanosine and stavudine are widely available in cheaper generic lived dose combinations it is likelv that their usage will remain in the first line HIV treatment in common.In such settings management or estimation of a patient’s risk of pancreatitis still remains an issue of concern.
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