A Trial of Silver-Zinc-Allantoinate in the Treatment of Leg Ulcers

• Three hundred thirty-nine of 400 chronic cutaneous ulcers in 264 patients (including some with multiple or bilateral ulcers or both) were healed with silver-zinc-allantoinate cream (AZAC 1%). Some of the patients treated had failed to respond to medicated wrappings, saline dressings, and various other therapeutic agents, including antibiotics. In one week of treatment with AZAC 1%, bacterial counts were reduced on the average from approximately 2 × 10 7 to 2 × 10 5 (99%). Silver-zinc-allantoinate cream also demonstrated a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity. It did not give rise to resistance by the infecting organisms, was nonallergenic, debrided necrotic tissue, and stimulated healthy granulation. Treatment was well tolerated, side effects being limited to a burning sensation in three patients. Most patients cared for themselves at home with minimal interference in their usual daily activities. ( Arch Surg 112:699-704, 1977)
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