New residence hall brings with it many improvements -- it's about time

Later this month the students of Missouri Western will be asked to log on to their computers and vote either for or against a proposal to raise the SGA fees from $15 to $50. Despite ardent objections from many students across campus, there is a good chance that the proposal will pass because of who it benefits most: the small number of students who are involved in virtually every single activity at this school (seriously, scroll through the names of the SGA members, the CAB members, the Residence Council members and many of the fraternity and sorority members and one dominant theme will emerge -- the same names appear again and again). Those students who are active generally control the way things are done, and unless the normally apathetic student takes a stand, everyone should look forward to paying more money next year. Something tells me that the motives of a handful of people will ultimately overwhelm any dissenting opinion, and the proposal will, in the end, be passed. Why? My hunch tells me that those in favor of the hike will show up in droves to vote; those that don’t want it or aren’t even aware that the vote is coming up won’t -- that’s usually the way that things get done at Missouri Western. Even if our SGA is woefully underfunded in
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