A Sequential Marginal Likelihood Approximation Using Stochastic Gradients

Existing algorithms like nested sampling and annealed importance sampling are able to produce accurate estimates of the marginal likelihood of a model, but tend to scale poorly to large data sets. This is because these algorithms need to recalculate the log-likelihood for each iteration by summing over the whole data set. Efficient scaling to large data sets requires that algorithms only visit small subsets (mini-batches) of data on each iteration. To this end, we estimate the marginal likelihood via a sequential decomposition into a product of predictive distributions p ( y n | y < n ) . Predictive distributions can be approximated efficiently through Bayesian updating using stochastic gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, which approximates likelihood gradients using mini-batches. Since each data point typically contains little information compared to the whole data set, the convergence to each successive posterior only requires a short burn-in phase. This approach can be viewed as a special case of sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) with a single particle, but differs from typical SMC methods in that it uses stochastic gradients. We illustrate how this approach scales favourably to large data sets with some simple models.
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