A Determination of Free Energy Changes from a Gas Phase Study of Equilibria (( C 2H2)m( N 2)n-1 ) + + N 2 = (( C 2H2)m( N 2)n) +

mix tures at highpres sures (1-20 Torr). As in pre vi ous stud ies, the main pur -pose was to ob tain thermochemical data on clus ter in gion-molecule re ac tions per ti nent to the ion chem is try of Ti -tan’s at mo sphere. In for ma tion of this type is fun da men ta lto an un der stand ing of the com plex chem is try as so ci atewith plan e tary at mo spheres for the fol low ing rea sons ,among oth ers: (1) ions rep re sent ef fi cient nu cle at ingagents, re sult ing in the for ma tion of large clus ter buildupand even tu ally drop let for ma tion; (2) clus ter ing mod i fie sthe chem is try as so ci ated with ion neu tral iza tion be caus ethe lig ands can act both as heat “sinks” for en ergy re lease din the neu tral iza tion as well as near est-neighbor part ners inchem i cal re ac tions; (3) plan e tary at mo spheres con tain both
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