Doing business in South East Europe 2008 : comparing regulations across the region and with 178 economies - overview

Doing Business in South East Europe 2008 compares 22 cities in 7 economies: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, FYR (former Yugoslav Republic), Montenegro, and Serbia. Studying these economies in depth is driven by the common vision of the region improving the business environment to increase investment flows, enhancing regional cooperation and eventually integrating with the European Union (EU). The report covers four Doing Business topics: starting a business, dealing with licenses, registering property, and enforcing contracts. These indicators have been selected because they reveal differences in national and municipal regulatory policies and practices. Some regulations are mandated and enforced at the national level, while others are administered locally. These differences allow for comparisons within a country, the region, and the world and are strong drivers of reform.
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