Effect of wheat straw based total mixed ration with prosopis Juliflora pods (mesquite pods) on performance of lactating cows

A lactation study of 25 weeks duration was carried out to explore the effect of wheat straw based total mixed rations on performance of crossbred (Jersey x Kankrej and Holstein Friesian x Kankrej) cows. Sixteen crossbred cows were randomly divided in to four dietary treatments viz. T1: TMR with 30% wheat straw and without Prosopis juliflora pods, T2: TMR with 30% wheat straw and 10% Prosopis juliflora pods replacing rice polish w/w, T3: TMR. with 30% wheat straw and 20% Prosopis juliflora pods replacing rice polish w/w and T4 (Control): Conventional system of feeding roughage and concentrates separately. Wheat straw was used as roughage in T4 without processing. The TMRs were prepared by mixing wheat straw ground through 8 mm sieve with concentrates. The values for modulus of uniformity were 2:6:2,1:6:3 and 2:7:1 for T1, T2 and T3, respectively. The NDF content in TMRs ranged from 42.97 to 46.74%. The average daily DMI was 7.92, 7.78, 8.92 and 5.62 kg in T1, T2, T3 and T4, respectively with significant treatment differences (P < 0.01). The percent DMI and DMI per kg metabolic body weight also followed the similar trend (P < 0.05). The DMI through wheat straw was 33 to 41% higher in TMRs than control. Intake of CP, DCP and TDN (Kg/d) revealed values in the range of 1.03 to 1.61; 0.66 to 1.08 and 3.14 to 4.96, respectively with higher DCP (P < 0.01) and TDN (P < 0.05) intake in all the TMRs than control group. The efficiency of feed and nutrient utilization was not affected by dietary treatments, however, it was found better under conventional system of feeding. Similar trend was also observed for gross and net protein and energy efficiency. The average daily milk production recorded was 7.54, 6.78, 7.82 and 6.20 kg with corresponding values of 3.82, 4.01, 4.05 and 4.31 for milk fat content in T1, T2, T3 and T4, respectively. Total mixed rations improved milk yield and it was the highest in T4 with 26% improvement over control group. The milk constituents like TS, SNF, Protein, Phosphorus and calcium were not affected by dietary treatments. Digestibility of nutrients was on par in all the groups. The average daily feed cost was recorded higher in TMR groups but the feed cost per kg milk and kg FCM yield were more or less similar among the treatments. It was concluded that feeding TMR instead of feeding concentrates and roughage (wheat straw) separately increased feed intake and milk production in crossbred cows. Poor quality crop residues like wheat straw can be better utilized through TMR instead of feeding alone. Use of Prosopis juliflora pods as an unconventional energy rich feed can replace rice polish successfully with reduction in cost of feed formulation.
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