The Influence of Physical and Acoustic Experience on Sequential Mate Preference in the Cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Is Song Important

Female Gryllus bimaculatus alter their mate choice based on size depending on previous experience with males. Male crickets sing to attract mates and several studies have identified call parameters important in female choice. We tested the hypotheses that exposure to acoustic stimuli before and/or after mating, from males of different sizes, in isolation and together with physical exposure influences female choice (willingness to mate and spermatophore retention time [SRT]). Females exposed to ad lib. song of multiple males post-mating had a shorter SRT than females in acoustic isolation. Exposure to ad lib. song of multiple males prior to mating had no effect on SRT. Females did not alter SRT depending on exposure to acoustic stimuli from males of different sizes either post or ante mating. Females exposed to acoustic and physical stimuli (though gauze) from large males had a shorter SRT than those exposed to small males but only when the exposure was post-mating. We were unable to identify any correlation between call parameters and body size in G. bimaculatus. Females use male song to locate potential mates but physical exposure to males is needed to allow females to judge male size and this exposure only influences SRT if it takes place post-mating.
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