Los nuevos estudiantes en la carrera de Medicina. La visión de ocho generaciones: 2008 a 2015: New students in medical school. The vision of eight generations: 2008 to 2015

RESUMEN La Unidad Academica de Medicina (UAM) de la Universidad Autonoma de Nayarit (UAN) es la principal institucion formadora de medicos en la entidad. Cada ciclo escolar, de acuerdo al numero de aspirantes, se muestra como la primera opcion y la mas solicitada para los egresados de la educacion media superior. El pasado ciclo 2015-2016 el numero de aspirantes supero los 1,400. Se ha observado que los estudiantes de primer ingreso, desde hace ocho anos, han mostrado, a lo largo de su vida familiar y social, diversos cambios socioeconomicos y familiares, que han impactado de manera importante el curriculum y la organizacion interna de la institucion. A partir de esta realidad, se hace un analisis de estos y se los relaciona con aspectos de infraestructura, situacion y condiciones laborales del personal y cuerpos academicos.   ABSTRACT The Academic Unit of Medicine (UAM) of the Autonomous University of Nayarit (UAN) is the main medical training institution in the state. Each school year, according to the number of applicants, it is shown as the first and most requested option for high school graduates. Last 2015-2016 cycle, the number of applicants exceeded 1,400. It has been observed that first year students, since eight years ago, have shown, throughout their family and social life, several socioeconomic and family changes, which have significantly impacted the curriculum and the internal organization of the institution. Based on this reality, an analysis of these changes is made and they are related to aspects of infrastructure, situation and working conditions of the staff and academic bodies.
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