A reference library for the identification of Canadian invertebrates: 1.5 million DNA barcodes, voucher specimens, and genomic samples

The reliable taxonomic identification of organisms through DNA sequence data requires a well parameterized library of curated reference sequences. However, it is estimated that just 15% of described animal species are represented in public sequence repositories. To begin to address this deficiency, we provide DNA barcodes for 1,500,003 animal specimens collected from 23 terrestrial and aquatic ecozones at sites across Canada, a nation that comprises 7% of the planets land surface. In total, 14 phyla, 43 classes, 163 orders, 1123 families, 6186 genera, and 64,264 Barcode Index Numbers (BINs; a proxy for species) are represented. Species-level taxonomy was available for 38% of the specimens, but higher proportions were assigned to a genus (69.5%) and a family (99.9%). Voucher specimens and DNA extracts are archived at the Centre for Biodiversity Genomics where they are available for further research. The corresponding sequence and taxonomic data can be accessed through the Barcode of Life Data System, GenBank, the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, and the Global Genome Biodiversity Network Data Portal.nnnnO_FIG O_LINKSMALLFIG WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=61 SRC="FIGDIR/small/701805v1_ufig1.gif" ALT="Figure 1">nView larger version (17K):norg.highwire.dtl.DTLVardef@5c6449org.highwire.dtl.DTLVardef@1bc0224org.highwire.dtl.DTLVardef@309dddorg.highwire.dtl.DTLVardef@1cc2cc8_HPS_FORMAT_FIGEXP M_FIG C_FIG
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