Aspectos morfológicos dos componentes do funículo espermático em jumentos nordestinos* Morphological aspects of the spermatic cord components in Brazilian Northeastern donkeys

Introduction ‐ The aim of this research was to study the morphological aspects of spermatic cord in Brazilian Northeastern donkey. Material and Method ‐ Sixteen pairs of spermatic cord were used, 4 of them to see the histologically aspects of their components, in another 10 pairs was injected Neoprene Latex "650" painted of red in the testicular artery to to measure it length, in another 2 pairs was injected with vinyl acetate to study the vascular arrangement. Results and Conclusions ‐ Histologically the components of spermatic cord were involved by a thin and pleated capsule of dense connective tissue, involved by the mesothelium, beneath this capsule is the internal cremaster muscle. The testicular artery in the spermatic cord has a irregular and sinuous course, endothelium and fragile layer of connective tissue with the internal elastic limiting lamina, media tunica formed by a thick layer of smooth musculature, in a round formation, sustained by an ordely net of reticular fibers and this adventitia tunica formed mainly by dense connective tissue rich in elastic fibers. Non-valve veins testicular, media tunica irregulary formed by smooth muscle fibers with large projections in the vase, supported by an irregular reticular fibers net formed by elastic fibers, adventitia tunica composed by a ticklish layer of dense connective tissue and elastic fibers. Deferent mesoduct shows thick layer of dense connective tissue envolved by mesothelium, below this capsula, there is a vascular-nervous joint involved by loose connective tissue. Testicular artery segments of spermatic cord lengths had presented as measured average 84,65cm at the right and 82,7 cm at the left. The spermatic cord has a conic shape, latero-laterally flatened with the basis settled orchis epididymal edge.
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