Дериватографічне вивчення мазі з піроктон оламіном для терапії та профілактики себорейного дерматиту

Piroctone olamine (octopirox) has a wide spectrum of antibacterial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative pathogenic microorganisms together with the expressed antimycotic action. Octopirox is characterized by good tolerance and harmlessness and, also, deodorizing effect when applying topically. Besides, the composition of piroctone olamine with designed naphthalan in the formula of the ointment for external use should be perspective. Designed naphthalan is a natural ingredient with mineral nature and has desensitizing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, reabsorbable, anti-itch, warming, and antibacterial effects. By the staff members of the department of Medicines Technology of Zaporizhzhia State Medical University a compositional formula of the ointment with piroctone olamine and designed naphthalan for topical therapy of patients with seborrheic dermatitis, accompanied by scalp damage, was proposed on the base of complex investigations. It is predicted that the administration of the developed pharmacotherapeutic agent should enhance the normalization of lipid mantle, keratinization, desquamation, overcoming itch, and skin inflammatory. The aim of this work is to study of impacts of thermal handling of the compositional trichological ointment on the hydrophilic base at temperature interval of the technological process of manufacturing this dosage form. Materials and methods . As objects of derivatografic investigations, the experimental ointment for topical administration and, also, active components (piroctone olamine, deresined naphthalan) and excipients of this ointment (sodium carboxymethylcellulose, glycerol, twin 80, propylene glycol) were used. Thermogravimetric analysis was carried out using derivatograph “Shimadzu DTG-60” (Japan) with the platinum and platinum-rhodium thermopair. Results . Data on thermogravimetric analysis clearly demonstrate the thermal stability of the active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients in the investigating dosage form. Derivatograms of the ointment with piroctone olamine and it was hydrophilic vehicle-placebo show a matching of their thermal effects with the same of the active substance and excipients. That fact indicates the absence of chemical interactions between them. Conclusions. It was established that ingredients of the developed semisolid dosage form for topical therapy of seborrheic dermatitis with piroctone olamine on the hydrophilic base have not done interact with each other and, so, this composition has been a mechanical mixture of active substances and excipients. It was revealed that, according to thermal effects of the ingredients of the developed ointment for external use, the technological process of its manufacturing would be appropriate at a temperature below 90°С.
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