Interoperability between Modelling Tools (MoT) with Thermodynamic Property Prediction Packages (Simulis® Thermodynamics) and Process Simulators (ProSimPlus) via CAPE-OPEN Standards

Simulation and modelling continues to play a very important role for chemical engineers in the study, evaluation, development, etc., of chemical processes by producing different alternatives in the design/production of product/process of chemicals and thereby, avoiding expenses in experimentation. The CAPE-OPEN effort is a standardisation process for achieving true plug and play of process industry simulation software components and environments, where, CAPE-OPEN Laboratorties Network (CO-LaN) consortium is in charge of managing the lifecycle of the CAPE-OPEN standard (Belaud, 2002). The objective of CAPE-OPEN project was to clarify user priorities for process modelling software component/environment interoperability and promote the use of CAPE-OPEN standards to create commercially-valuable interoperability (Pons, 2005a). The follow-up of the CAPE-OPEN project, called the Global CAPE-OPEN project, focused on the development of standards in new subfields of process modelling and simulation addressing complex physical properties, kinetic models, new numerical algorithms and distributed models. Also, future support for the development of simulation software in the CAPE-OPEN-compliant interface components was established through the creation of the CO-LaN. The CO-LaN promotes the integration of open process simulation technology in the work process, and use of CAPE-OPEN compliant interoperated software for taking real industrial case studies and in assessing the use of CAPE-OPEN technology. In addition, COLaN provides support and user training; definition of open standards for new technologies beyond process modelling and simulation, developing prototypes for on-line systems, discrete and mixer batch-continuous processes, finer granularity interfaces, and scheduling and planning systems. Further dissemination of the technical results of CAPE-OPEN using
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