Erratum to: "Acute phase markers in CSF reveal inflammatory changes in Alzheimer's disease that intersect with pathology, APOE ε4, sex and age" [Prog. Neurobiol. 198 (2021) 101904].

The publisher regrets the following errors in the above mentioned article: In the original manuscript there were the following errors to figure call outs: • On the 9th line of main text on the left-hand side column on page 5, the call out of Figure 2 should instead be for Figure 3.• On the 17th line of main text on the right-hand side column on page 5, the call out of Figure 4 should instead be for Figure 5.• On the 12th line of main text on the left-hand side column on page 6, the call out of Figure 5 should instead be for Figure 4.In the original manuscript, a correction factor was not applied in calculating the raw values (μg/mL) of several of the proteins presented. The raw values of the following proteins were therefore erroneously presented in Table 2 and Supplementary Figure 2 to be 20-fold higher than their actual concentration: α1-antitrypsin, α1-antichymotrypsin, ceruloplasmin, complement C3, α-fibrinogen, β-fibrinogen, γ-fibrinogen, haptoglobin and hemopexin. Importantly, as this was a multiplication error, and also that the statistical modelling was performed using z-scores and not raw scores, the statistical parameters (β, S.E., P) are identical with the updated protein values, and the interpretation of our findings is unchanged. The updated Supplementary Figure 2 and Table 2 are presented below. The publisher would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. [Figure presented] Supplementary Figure 2. Levels of APR proteins in CSF according to clinical category. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001 compared to CN Aβ42/t-tau negative. As panels B–K were exploratory analysis, these were not corrected for multiple testing. Table 2. CSF acute phase protein levels in diagnostic categories. Statistics derived from separate multiple regressions for each acute phase protein, which was adjusted for age, sex, APOE e4 and diagnosis. Values are μg/mL, except for ferritin which is ng/mL and the composite, which is a z-score. Significance is comparison to CN negative group. CN: Cognitively Normal; SCD: Subjective Cognitive Decline; MCI: Mild Cognitive Impairment; AD: Alzheimer's Disease. Bold indicates P < 0.05. The composite was the primary analysis, and the analysis of individual APR proteins was exploratory, and therefore correction for multiple comparisons was not performed. [Table]
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