Social media: Tools for user-generated content

For organisations which choose to incorporate social media elements into their online presence, this report provides material to inform that choice and guide the structural decisions which follow from it. It highlights the importance of understanding both the social and technological aspects of social media, and ofaddressing them in developing and managing social media websites. Executive summary 1. Social media rely on collaborative activities among large user communities. This isenabled by: A low threshold to user participation which allows even unskilled and uncommitted users to take part. Highly granular participation tasks ranging from very minor to very major contributions. Equipotentiality: the assumption that regardless of skill level, each user can make a useful contribution. A sense of shared ownership in the content generated by the collaborative work of users. 2. The operators of social media sites must respect the processes of the community: Be as open as possible to new users, and encourage the community to sort good from bad. As the community defines its aims and values, work with those who emerge as leaders. The community and its processes will change over time. Follow and encourage this evolution. The community will feel a sense of pride in its achievements. Don’t take it away from them. 3. Traditional commercial approaches need to be reconsidered: Don’t try to lock users into exclusively using your site – they’ll want to explore and combine various commercial and non-commercial services. Allow your content to travel beyond your site, even if this means losing some control. This increases brand reach and recognition. Be transparent about everything you do with the site, but allow users to manage the transparency of their information on a case-by-case basis. Allow outstanding users to become ‘micro-celebrities’. This can boost take-up of your site. Users expect quality services for free, but are often prepared to pay for enhanced additional services. 4. Australian take-up of social media still lags behind the US and other major countries, but iscatching up rapidly: Social media are deeply embedded in the lives of a rapidly growing number of their users as tools for managing a wide range of social activities. Content creation and social distribution is no longer limited to a few sites, but is becoming an everyday practice across a multitude of Websites. Limited broadband quality confines many Australian participants to focussing on less bandwidth-intensive practices. Internationally, the Internet ranks second only to television as a source of entertainment and information in the developed world. We also focus on a number of key concerns related to corporate engagement with social mediacommunities, and highlight the following major points: 5. Community management should aim to gradually reduce the need for intervention byoperators: Social media communities of sufficient size are highly effective at self-management. Community self-management can be supported by providing ‘social accounting’ tools for tracking and rewarding constructive user contributions. Participation in social media sites aimed at generating specific forms of content can be channelled by providing content creation toolkits. At earlier stages of community development, site operators need to kickstart and foster positive community dynamics and act as role models. 6. Social media sites must be designed to support desirable user practices: Communities are most cohesive if site structures enable them to separate out into smaller groups that are focussed on specific tasks and topics. The reach of a social media site is much expanded if it provides a number of interfaces allowing for its content to be accessed and spread. Conversely, the utility and versatility of a site is enhanced if users are able to embed content from elsewhere. In particular, interfaces must be made available to access and post to a site from mobile devices on the fly, in a local context. 7. While social media users expect the bulk of services to beprovided for free, the communityas a whole can be a driver of lucrative commercial activity. The report closes by presenting a range of case studies which exemplify and expand on these points.
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