Study on Electron/Positron Scattering in Solid Targets Using Accurate Transport Cross-sections: Comment on Z. Rouabah et al Papers

We should be very carefu l, when we applied a co mbination between two models, especially if the first one is stochastic (probabilistic) and analytic (deterministic) for the second , wh ich is the case of the papers of Rouabah et al(Appl. Surf. Sci. 255 (2009) 6217 and Appl. Surf. Sci. 256 (2010) 3448). In fact, this work has an aim to show the valuable approaches to study the transport of electron/positron in solid target. Our work is presented as a comment on the papers of Rouabah et al. Indeed, after mentioned some weak points of Rouabah et al works we have discussed different points: the screened Born transport cross-section (TCS) and the true model of Jablonski(Phys. Rev. B 58 (1998) 16470), the large deviation between Rouabah et al TCSs and the accurate values, the combination between Monte Carlo simulat ion and Vicanek and Urbassek theory(Phys. Rev. B 44 (1991) 234) and the normalizat ion condition as well. Besides, we have given some reco mmendations on the range calculation using Monte Carlo method.
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