Адъювантная лучевая терапия после радикальной простатэктомии

The rate of a biochemical and clinical recurrence at stage T1-T2 is 25-35%. Experience with surgical treatment for stage T3 cancer shows that 33.5-66% of patients a positive surgical margin and 7.9-49% of patients have a metastatic lymph node lesion. One of the further treatment options is teleradiotherapy (TRT) for a removed prostate area, which is performed immediately after surgical treatment and in case of a biochemical or clinical recurrence both alone and in combination with others treatments (hormonal therapy, chemotherapy, etc.). The paper presents the data of basic international studies of adjuvant radiotherapy after radical prostatectomy. The results of the therapy depend on the baseline level of prostate-specific antigen, the interval between the start of radiotherapy and surgery, the stage of the disease, and other prognostic factors. A number of investigations of the use of TRT, hormonal therapy, chemotherapy, and their combinations in the adjuvant mode are ongoing. This will provide answers to what combinations of adjuvant therapy may increase survival and improve quality of life in patients with prostate cancer.
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