Major and Trace Element Chemistry of Matrix in Quartz Pebble Conglomerate, Bababudan Schist Belt, Karnataka

The Quartz pebble conglomerate (QPC) markings the base of Bababudan Group of Dharwar Supergroup is well exposed in southern margin of Bababudan schist belt and is known as the Kalasapura conglomerate. The matrix of conglomerate has been studied in this paper for its petrography and chemistry. The matrix is siliceous or sometimes ferruginous in nature and rich in heavy minerals. It contains A1 2 0 3 , Fe 2 0 3 and TiO 2 , and there exists considerable difference between the matrix and whole rock chemistry. The variation diagrams suggest that: (i) all the oxides other than SiO 2 come from the matrix. (ii) geochemically it has arkose-subarkose affinity and (iii) deposited under humid climatic conditions in a cratonic basin.
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