International Planned Parenthood Federation medical and service delivery guidelines for family planning.

The International Planned Parenthood Federation has developed these guidelines to help persons working in family planning services and education ensure adequate levels of quality of care. The guidelines conform to the three dimensions of technology assessment needed for any project: it must be scientifically socially and operationally sound. Providers should adapt the service delivery guidelines to local realities. They should consider the needs and resources of the various sites in which the guidelines will be applied. The guidelines can also be developed into educational and training materials. They serve as a guide to the delivery of family planning services a reference document for assessing quality of care a training instrument and a tool for supervision. The first chapter addresses the rights of the client ranging from the right to information to the right of opinion. The second chapter is dedicated to contraceptive counseling while chapter 3 is dedicated to family planning training. Chapter 4 discusses hormonal contraception (combined oral contraceptives progestagen-only pills service management progestagen-only injectables and the subdermal implants Norplant). IUDs are covered in detail in chapter 5. The barrier methods addressed in chapter 6 include condoms diaphragms cervical caps and spermicides. Chapter 7 covers both male and female voluntary surgical contraception. Natural family planning methods are addressed in chapter 8 entitled Periodic Abstinence. These methods include the basal body temperature method the cervical mucus method (Billings method) the calendar or rhythm method and the sympto-thermal method. The guidelines conclude with a detailed statement on diagnosis of pregnancy and a list of suggested reading material.
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