Developing a Cooperative International Program in Graduate Education and Research

This paper describes cooperative research and graduate instructional activities by the University of Virginia (UVA) and Universidad Simon Bolivar (USB) which focus on research and developments in rotor dynamics and turbomachinery, including gas turbines. The cooperative efforts have been underway since 1991. Both universities have independently developed programs in this area with strong ties to industry. At the University of Virginia a program has been in place for 25 years that specializes in rotor dynamics, bearings, seals, turbomachine flows; including an industrial consortium base of over 40 companies. The program at the University of Virginia comprises the typical curricula in the US for Master of Engineering, Master of Science, and Doctoral degrees. Universidad Simon Bolivar has more recently developed a Postgraduate Program for engineers in the Venezuelan oil and petrochemical industry. The course focuses on turbomachinery issues, has the typical academic structure of a Master of Engineering with a duration of two years, and is tailored to the needs of students working full time in industry. Multiple cooperative efforts have proceeded in a number of areas. UVA faculty have taught portions of the Postgraduate courses at USB; USB and UVA faculty have developed joint research projects; USB faculty have conducted research activities and taught at UVA; and several USB faculty have attended UVA to obtain graduate degrees. Discussions between the two universities are underway to permit the exchange of course credits for graduate degrees; the final aim is to establish a Doctoral Program in the turbomachinery area at USB.Copyright © 1997 by ASME
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