A Xenon Condenser with a Remote Liquid Storage

Abstract 9 We describe the design and operation of a system for xenon liquefaction 10 in which the condenser is separated from the liquid storage vessel. The 11 condenser is cooled by a pulse tube cryocooler, while the vessel is cooled 12 only by the liquid xenon itself. This arrangement facilitates liquid particle 13 detector research by allowing easy access to the upper and lower anges of 14 the vessel. We nd that an external xenon gas pump is useful for increasing 15 the rate at which cooling power is delivered to the vessel, and we present 16 measurements of the power and eciency of the apparatus. 17 Key words: 18 Xenon, Condenser, Recirculation pump 19 1. Introduction 20 Particle detectors based on condensed noble gases have found wide ap- 21 plication in high energy physics, astro-particle physics, and nuclear physics. 22 Noble liquids are attractive candidates for particle detectors due to their 23 ease of puri cation, good charge transport properties, high scintillation ef- 24
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