The battle of the quality: leaders of Latin American ranking, USP and Unicamp discuss how to raise the impact of its research.

Two institutions from the state of Sao Paulo, the University of Sao Paulo (USP) and the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), and a Mexican university, The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) lead a ranking of scientific productivity in Latin America, the Caribbean and the Iberian Peninsula released by the Spanish research group SCImago (CRS 2010). The survey takes into account summaries and references of about 17 000 journals in the Scopus database, by Elsevier. Between 2003 and 2008, USP had produced 38 000 scientific articles, UNAM, 17 000, and Unicamp, 15 000. In the list of the 10 most productive universities there are five Spanish universities, four Brazilian (besides USP and Unicamp, also depicts the Universidade Estadual Paulista, Unesp, in 6th position, and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, 7th place) and a Mexican, UNAM. The ranking provides qualitative data. One indicator is the CCP, which stands for Quality Science Media, in Spanish, which measures the impact of a scientific institution after eliminating the influence of its size. Another index is the Q1, which shows the percentage of university publications that comprise the ensemble composed of the most influential magazines of the world, 25% of the best placed in a ranking of publications of the SCImago. According to Marco Antonio Zago, pro-rector of Research at USP, these data are important because they show where the university has room to advance. “The university is increasing its contribution according to the total in the world, but my concern is the quality that can improve,” he states. In the case of CCP, USP acquired 0.81 index, which means it is 19% below the world average in quality. In the case of Q1, the university has 40.35% of its publications in all the most influential journals. For comparison, the Universidad de Barcelona boasts CCP of 1.41 and Q1 of 62.16. According to Zago, there is a set of tools that can be
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