Shipboard contaminant ingress from underwater bursts. Final report

For the target destroyers moored in the downwind sector of the base surge, fallout, or cloud after Shots Wahoo and Umbrella, with ventilation systems open (but fans secured) and boilers operating, it was concluded that: (1) the doses due to the ingress of contaminants were secondary to the doses due to transient radiation sources exterior to the ship; (2) the dose due to radioactivity deposited in the body was always insignificant compared to the total exposure dose; (3) no dose due to the ingress of contaminants was of a magnitude that would result in casualties or any reduction in combat effectiveness to personnel; (4) if shielding were provided to reduce the dose due to exterior transient radiation sources for operations in the base surge, cloud, or fallout, then the doses due to the ingress of contaminants would require consideration under any concept of dosage control for repeated exposures.
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