Towards a quantum network with atomic ensembles

The experiments discussed in this thesis investigate the application of atomic ensembles in building a quantum network. Specifically, the atomic ensembles refer to cesium atoms in magneto-optical traps. Chapter 1 gives an introduction to quantum networks, along with the difficulty in extending the range due to the optical loss of communication channels. Chapter 2 describes the protocol proposed by Duan, Lukin, Cirac, and Zoller (DLCZ) for overcoming the limit of channel loss on scaling up a quantum network, exploiting relatively simple setups with atomic ensembles. The protocol introduces many capabilities and simplifies many tasks in quantum information processing with atoms and light. Chapter 3 summarizes the first step in our lab toward realizing the DLCZ protocol. In particular, we observed nonclassical correlation between two optical fields generated from one atomic ensemble. Chapter 4 is a sidetrack apart from the DLCZ protocol. We demonstrated that the atomic ensemble can be used as a conditional source of single photons. In addition to a description of the experiment, details of the simple model we used to fit the data are also included. Chapter 5 augments chapter 4 in that the temporal behavior of the nonclassical correlation is investigated. We found that the correlation decayed rapidly, which is a major obstacle for further implementation of the DLCZ protocol. Chapter 6 describes our effort to fight the fast decay of correlation observed in the experiment. A theoretical model is used to better understand the source of decoherence. Chapter 7 is the follow-up in the direction of implementing the DLCZ protocol. Two atomic ensembles located in vacuum chambers on two optical tables are entangled in a heralded fashion. The details on controlling the phases of the interferometers and data processing are elaborated. Chapter 8 is a practical proposal on how to proceed further toward realization of the DLCZ protocol. Four atomic ensembles are involved in the proposed setup, which merely requires relative phase stability. Chapter 9 concludes the thesis and provides several possible directions toward building a large-scale quantum network through the DLCZ protocol.
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