Эпидемиологические особенности течения неопухолевой механической желтухи (сравнительный клиникостатистический обзор)

The epidemiology of mechanical jaundice (MJ) caused by complications of cholelithiasis has its own specific historical characteristic: the first successes before the period associated with the accumulation of primary material, then – the development of additional methods of diagnosis of cholecystitis and its complications. The modern stage is connected with the introduction and development of high-tech minimally invasive technologies. The average rate of this disease is gradually increasing. This is primarily due to the introduction to the work of the surgeon, ultrasound and endoscopic diagnostics, allowing to separate a mechanical jaundice at the stage of the pathological process: extrahepatic cholestasis, stones in the bile ducts with hepatocytes and purulent cholangitis with septic manifestations. The percentages of frequency of each stage began to differ depending on the sex, age and severity of the syndrome of mutual aggravation of concomitant diseases. Complications in the form of MJ began to occur more often in men, although previously they prevailed in women. Patients with MJ in old age and old age often began to be hospitalized in surgical hospitals for operations. This led to a sharp increase in the number of patients with severe comorbidities or a combination of one or more decompensated diseases. At high figures remain indicators of complications and mortality, which do not tend to decrease.
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