Audiovestibular findings in autoimmune diseases

Audiovestibular manifestations are reported in autoimmune diseases including hearing loss and vestibular symptoms. This study is designed to evaluate the audiovestibular manifestations in patients with different autoimmune diseases especially asymptomatic cases. This work included two groups: study group (29 cases with different autoimmune diseases) and control group (20 healthy subjects). All participantswere subjected to basic audiologic evaluation, Sinusoidal harmonic acceleration (SHA) test of the rotatory chair at different frequencies (.01-.64Hz). patients with ADs showed elevated hearing thresholds (>25dBHL) at all tested frequencies. As regard SHA test, only 5 cases from the study grop showed normal results, while the rest of cases showed vestibular hypofunction (bilateral in 22 cases and unilateral in 3 cases). Audiovestibular symptoms are common in different autoimmune diseases even asymptomatic cases. SHA test showed that vestibular affection is much more frequent than expected. So, regular screening of hearing and vestibular functions in patients with autoimmune should be done, for better and early management.
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