Developments of the EXFOR Database: Possible New Formats

The EXFOR database is a collection of experimental nuclear reaction data, maintained by the IAEA on behalf of the International Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centres (NRDC). The format for the storage of such data was first described in 1969 and while there have been many incremental changes over the years so that the format is now capable of containing a very wide range of measurement results, there is a growing realisation that a major change is required. Consequently the IAEA Nuclear Data Section (NDS) organised a Consultant's Meeting on ‘Further Development of EXFOR’ in 2012. This was an opportunity for a range of international experts to discuss ways of improving EXFOR and while this focused on new formats there was also discussion on ways of storing new data, new output formats and software tools such as editors. This paper will discuss recent and proposed changes to enable new quantities to be stored (such as coincidence measurements and covariances), the range of output formats available (e.g. C4 and X4+) which make interaction with the data more user friendly and the possible use of XML to modernise the database.
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