From the cinchona dispute to the hydroxychloroquine dispute, or how our drug protection system is being tested: A historical, scientific and legal analysis/ De la querelle du quinquina à la querelle de l'hydroxychloroquine, ou comment notre système de protection du médicament est mis à l’épreuve : une analyse historique, scientifique et juridique

The current dispute over the use of hydroxychloroquine in coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) resonates with another dispute, that of cinchona, which took place in the 17th Century. This historical aside is a reminder that scientific disputes have always existed, so it is not surprising that the properties of hydroxychloroquine are subject to controversy. However, the facts are the facts: its effectiveness is doubtful, while the risks are certain. That is why in France the Prime Minister has chosen to regulate its prescription by decree. But this decree, although surely the only possible option, raises many problems.
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