Nucleon-Nucleon t-matrix Effective Interaction for (p, 2p) Reactions

In (p, 2p) reactions the p-p interaction is the main knockout interaction which acts in its full glory. Recent finite range (p, 2p) calculations used a parametrized spin-isospin dependent finite range tNN (r) - effective interaction operator which is a function of the distance between the nucleons alone. In the present work we have evaluated the nucleon-nucleon (N-N) t-matrix effective interaction using the Reid soft core N-N interaction potential. In this we find that the proper t- matrix effective interaction is not only a function of spin and isospin of the interacting nucleons but is a strong function of the relative orbital angular momentum, L also. The radial behaviour of the tL (r) is also found to be very unconventional in that it is found to go to zero at r = 0 while in the conventional usage the t(r) is taken to peak at r = 0 because of its representation in terms of Yukawa functions. This very different behaviour of our calculated N-N t-matrix effective interaction operator is expected to make large changes in the Finite Range (FR-DWIA) predictions for (p, 2p) reaction cross sections. Besides this it is hoped that the marked differences one obtains in the behaviour of these tL(r)'s from different realistic N-N interactions through their resulting fits obtained for the (p, 2p) reactions will provide us a tool to select the proper N-N interaction out of the many available in literature.
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