Localized intersection of currents and the Lefschetz coincidence point theorem

We introduce the notion of a Thom class of a current and define the localized intersection of currents. In particular, we consider the situation where we have a \(C^\infty \) map of manifolds and study localized intersections of the source manifold and currents on the target manifold. We then obtain a residue theorem on the source manifold and give explicit formulas for the residues in some cases. These are applied to the problem of coincidence points of two maps. We define the global and local coincidence homology classes and indices. A representation of the Thom class of the graph as a Cech–de Rham cocycle immediately gives us an explicit expression of the index at an isolated coincidence point, which in turn gives explicit coincidence classes in some non-isolated components. Combining these, we have a general coincidence point theorem including the one by S. Lefschetz.
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