Функциональные расстройства органов пищеварения у детей. Рекомендации Общества детских гастроэнтерологов, гепатологов и нутрициологов. Часть 1

A group of leading experts in the field of pediatric gastroenterology prepared clinical recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of functional digestive disorders (FDD) in children; they have summarized international recommendations and domestic experience and suggested the tactics for a pediatrician in everyday practice. The first part of the recommendations discusses modern views on functional digestive disorders, their development mechanisms and terminology. The article considers the biopsychosocial model of functional digestive disorders, as well as an updated classification based on the Rome criteria IV, including domestic views and experience. The article discusses the diagnostic criteria and principles of treatment of functional digestive disorders in infants (infant colic, infant regurgitation, Infant dyshesia), as well as cyclic vomiting syndrome. In all cases the authors provide a deflnition, classification (if it is developed), ICD-10 codes, an examination and treatment plan at various levels of the healthcare system, and indications for hospitalization of the children.
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