Reproductive Biology of the Frecklebelly Darter, Percina stictogaster (Teleostei: Percidae)

The reproductive biology of the Frecklebelly Darter, Percina stictogaster, was studied in the Red River, Menifee-Powell counties, Kentucky, from 2009-2012. Males and females mature at Age II. Spawning occurs from late February to early April in water temperatures of 7-16° C in areas with strong current (0.16-0.88 m/sec) and fine gravel substrates. A 52 mm SL female collected in early March had 100 mature ova. Aquarium observations confirm this species buries its eggs in a manner similar to other Percina darters. Fertilized eggs were about 2.5 mm in diameter, clear, demersal, and slightly adhesive. At 10° C eggs hatched in 18-25 days (100% survival) into larvae 7-8 mm TL. Larvae were initially benthic, but became pelagic 23 days later. By about 11 mm TL, the yolk sac was absorbed, and the young returned to the bottom. In early June, young (about 2 months old) were 16-25 mm SL and had acquired diagnostic pigmentation. They occupied areas with Justicia sp. or coarse woody debris in low-velocity habitats, adjacent to riffles.
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