Epileptische Anfälle nach leichten Schädel-Hirn-Traumen : Posttraumatisch oder unfallunabhängig? (Übersicht)

Formerly it was assumed that cerebral concussion and mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) were not followed by posttraumatic epilepsy. Modern neuroimaging findings revealed, however, that a “mild” traumatic brain injury not infrequently only seems to be mild and MTBI may be followed by localized contusions and a diffuse axonal injury. It is well known that brain contusion may be followed by seizures but the question whether an isolated diffuse axonal injury may also be followed by seizures has to be clarified by further studies. Several studies have demonstrated an increased risk of epilepsy after MTBI. Whether repeated concussive or subconcussive blows cause permanent or cumulative brain injury is a complex and controversial question. The posttraumatic genesis of seizures after MTBI probably has to be accepted in medicolegal expert opinions more often than previously. The arguments arguing for or against a relationship between MTBI and epilepsy are discussed.
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