Proposta para indicadores de ATER agroecológica em sistemas agroflorestais

The present article proposes a series of indicators to guide the evaluation of activities of technicalassistance and rural extension (ATER), in agroforestry. Its synthesis is the result of a one--year follow-up of a project carried out in Ribeirao Preto, northwest of the state of Sao Paulo,between 2014 and 2017, which aimed to consolidate and expand the number of families thatadopt Agroforestry Systems (SAFs) in an agrarian reform settlement. The project is the resultof a state public policy, “Microbacias II - PDRS-SMA”. In the course of the follow-up activitiesof this experiment, we looked for some elements that could serve as indicators of success orfailure of the ATER applied to the adoption of agroforestry systems. In this report we present afirst proposal of these indicators, pointing to the need for practical and qualitative quantificationof these indicators, aiming at their application in the monitoring of projects of this nature.
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