Leaders's language and employee proactivity: Enhancing psychological meaningfulness and vitality

Abstract Today's volatile environment and pressure for continuous improvement require leaders to play a central role in fostering and nurturing employee proactivity. Effective leaders use their communication skills as a key tool to motivate employees to achieve organizational goals. In this study, we tested a model in which leader motivating language (manifested as direction-giving, empathetic, and meaning-making language) fosters the development of employee proactive behavior by shaping a psychological context of meaningfulness and cultivating a motivational state of employee vitality. The findings indicate that the leader motivating language is related directly and indirectly, through psychological meaningfulness, to employee vitality. We also found that psychological meaningfulness and employee vitality are mediating mechanisms through which leader motivating language can result in enhanced employee proactivity. This study advances theory and research on employee proactivity as a contingency of leadership motivating language by integrating three emerging streams of research—relational leadership, relational communication, and proactivity. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
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